Episode 98: Running A Call Like A Wiener Dog - Special Guest: Peter Nevland of Wizard of Ads


In today’s show, we are putting Peter Nevland in your passenger seat to discuss valuable lessons to be learned from the wiener dog. What do wiener dogs and the home services industry have in common? The answer is creating memorable experiences. We need each client we serve to be intrigued at our service and drawn to our interactions. There is too much on the line each time we step foot in the home to not be extraordinary; and the cost of acquiring each client is too great to not secure return business. Peter Nevland lives with his wife and three children in Austin, TX. His teams of Wizard of Ads partners have helped grow businesses since 2008.  It’s very common for his clients to double and continue growing year after year.  He holds a masters in materials science and engineering and worked as an engineer for Motorola before leaving in 2002 to tour the world for a decade as a spoken word performer and writing workshop teacher.  He’s now released 3 books, 8 albums, 2 DVDs and endless smiles all over the world. Peter helps us understand how studying the wiener dog can lead to far better, and remarkable, client experiences.


Episode 99: Running A Call Like A World Champion in Brazilian Jujitsu - Special Guest: Justin High of Gracie 717


Episode 97: The 5 Things to Always Be Doing - Special Guest: Al Levi of The 7-Power Contractor