Rewire Your Belief Systems for Lasting Success! With Sandy Papavero
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Sandy Papavero is the Director of Sales and Marketing at CEO Warrior and a business coach for Tony Robbins and Chet Holmes. Known as "The Unparalyzed Perfectionist,” she is a communication consultant who empowers individuals to rethink their reality.
In this episode, we talked about abundance mentality, belief systems, neuroplasticity...
Show notes
Introducing Sandy Papavero. [1:02]
Nate and Brian discuss the quote of the week. [1:36]
Highlighting the review of the week. [11:17]
Running a funeral home business with financial acumen. [17:02]
Common lies and misbeliefs in the trades industry. [26:39]
Self-awareness and belief systems in the home service industry. [31:16]
Homeowners' lack of understanding and fear of commitment. [37:31]
Insights on sales mindset, action, and skill set. [41:53]
Neuroplasticity and changing mindset through habits and belief systems. [43:27]
Using hypnosis to change belief systems and manifest success. [46:25]
Root cause of feeling stuck lies in childhood trauma. [50:14]
Creating a memorable client experience in the service industry. [1:01:49]
Maintaining an abundance mindset in business despite economic challenges. [1:07:58]
Why lack of preparation leads to bad hiring decisions. [1:14:20]
How to get more information about Sandy. [1:16:47]
Sandy’s most important piece of advice to home service business owners. [1:19:11]
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Facebook: Waste No Day!